Larson Aurora strings are a higher grade student string that I am offering as an option on the wiplstix. The stock strings on a wiplstix are admitedly the cheapest I can find in order to keep the instrument's overall price low. They are Antione Breton steel strings (a french guy's name on a cheap chinese strings, funny) and are more brash than these strings, but have always held up well for me and other customers. I also figure that someone will just put their favorite strings on their wiplstix so why spend anymore than needed if they re going to be replaced. Changing strings on a wiplstix requires some customizing, and I hope to put a video out soon on how to shave the silks back in order to accommodate the Wiplstix need for longer string length.
This is a new offering so I cannot personally testify over time and travel how these strings will hold up, but they do produce a more pleasing and richer sound to the instrument. I am glad to be able to offer this option.
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Travel Violin
wipLstix are very handy travel violins invented and made by me in my shop in the southern Appalachians. The length between its bridge and nut is that of a standard violin, but the body has been minimized to maximize portability. wipLstix is a self contained unit, complete with its 1/8th size bow and inflatable chinrest, all fitting inside a 2" diameter by 24" long watertight traveling tube! The case will also nicely accommodate the chunk of round rosin of your choice.

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